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Fatherhood and Estwing Tools

Two Classic Institutions

For many people, thoughts of their fathers are intertwined with memories of handyman projects and tool collections. And through the generations, Estwing has been an integral part of those family stories. Here are a couple of fatherly memories from Estwing enthusiasts.

Eric Greene

“I am the father of three active boys and often go on camping adventures with my family. One piece of camping gear that I always wanted to add to my collection was an Estwing Camper’s Axe. 

“Last year, my mother-in-law gave me a gift card for Father’s Day. I went out that day and bought the Estwing axe. I use it while camping to split firewood and to drive and pull tent stakes. I also use it around the house for cutting roots and helping my neighbors clear brush from their property.

“I’ll be buying three more Estwing camp axes in the near future so my kids don’t need to borrow mine for their camping trips.”

Estwing Camper's Axe with orange handle resting in a tree stump.

Man framing deck with Estwing Hammertooth® Hammer.

“Whatever project we were working on — trucks, farming equipment, barns — the blue handled tools were always within reach.”

Charlie Lowrie

“When I was in my early teens in the 1960s, I was very close with the Piper family and spent a lot of time on their farm in Roscoe, Illinois. Chuck Piper was like a father figure to me. My own father wasn’t mechanically inclined, so it was Mr. Piper who taught me how fix things and how to use and care for tools.

“As I recall Mr. Piper grew up in Rockford, Illinois and knew the Estwing family. He always talked about how good the Estwing product was. Whatever project we were working on—trucks, farming equipment, barns—the blue handled tools were always within reach.

“Now, nearly 60 years later, I’m replacing an Estwing hammer that has served me well. And I’ve taught my nephews the value of Estwing tools. I’m pleased to support a family-owned company that still makes high-quality tools in America.

“Thanks, Estwing, for the good memories of living on the farm and learning what quality tools are.”

Old red barn next to a cornfield in Illinois.